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6 Stylish Ideas To Design Your Family Room

  • Jan 27, 2020
  • VIEWS: 5498

The family room plays an important role in every household. In India, this room generally doubles as your living room. This is the place where you spend quality time with your family, friends and guests – bonding over coffee and conversation. It is where you receive and entertain guests for casual and formal events. As such, it is essential that this room has a welcoming vibe. If you are thinking of redecorating your family room, here are a few family room decorating ideas that could interest you.

  1. 1. Spend time while choosing the seating

    Every family room should feature a section with lots of space in which you can spread out comfortably. Think of beautiful long L-shaped sofa sets with matching chairs, soft cushions and colourful throw pillows for the perfect movie night with your loved ones. Add a few Ottomans and foot stools so that you can lie comfortably as you pass around that tub of popcorn.

  2. 2. Make it cosy and intimate

    The family room is often a place you can escape to spend the best moments with your loved ones. As such, you need it give out a vibe that is cosy, warm and comforting. It should be a place where you can have intimate conversations as effortlessly as you can get nostalgic and share laughs and stories from the past. If you’re looking for cosy family room ideas, you can consider painting your walls in darker shades while you pick bright pieces of furniture. For instance, you can pair dark grey walls with a green armchair and an orange sofa to give the room a cheerful vibe.

  3. 3. Go for the neutral look

    If you’re not into bright colours and prefer a minimalistic approach, then you have the option to go neutral. This family room design idea simply means you pick softer colours – shades of white or pale blue for instance, for your family room walls. You can then add plush materials such as soft floor cushions, a pretty lamp and a small bookshelf to add character to the family room. Finish it off with a pretty coffee table and adorn your walls with some beautiful, subtle paintings.

  4. 4. Create a reading nook

    Creating a reading nook is a family room idea that every book worm fancies. Reading nooks are quintessentially cosy by definition. It is a place you can escape to within the four walls of your home. For all book lovers, the reading nook is a place where you can feel the most at home. You can elevate this corner of your family room with the help of minimalistic book shelves and add some abstract art in the back-ground to give it a more modern vibe.

  5. 5. Think about adding a rocking chair

    While discussing family room ideas, we typically endeavour to make the room both, functional and stylish. Most of us prefer to stick to the basics while picking the pieces of furniture – a sofa with matching chairs, a coffee table, a wall unit, etc. While you can stick to these traditional home décor ideas, you can also introduce an element of personal styling. A rocking chair is a piece of furniture, which is both comfortable and practical. It catches the eye and makes your room appear like a friendly space to be in.

  6. 6. Set up a corner for snack time

    Another basic family room interior design idea is to create a snacking corner. You can convert a space of your spacious family room into a multi-purpose room featuring a corner for snacking. The corner could also double up as a space for casual dining. The snacking corner will help keep your pretty sofas clean and tidy as you won’t have to worry about crumbs accumulating on it. Just install a table and a bench and you are sorted.

Final word :Redecorating or renovating your home can prove to be a costly affair. If you need financing to implement the family room design ideas, you can apply for a home loan. You can avail a home loan under the home renovation loan, home improvement loan or home remodelling loan category. You just need to draw up and estimate of expenses and submit all documents required by the lender to be eligible for the loan.

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