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7 Chalkboard Paint Wall Painting Ideas For Your Home

  • Jan 28, 2020
  • VIEWS: 2015

With the ever-rising cost of real estate, apartments and flats are becoming smaller than ever. In the big metros of India, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find space to build properties on. As such, homeowners have to improvise to give their tiny abodes a trendy avatar. While you can experiment with warm and cool hues of different shades to paint your walls, many new home-owners are finding the chalkboard trend exciting. Here are some chalkboard paint décor ideas you can implement in your home.

  1. 1. Chalk on your ceilings

    Most people only think about the four walls in the room. The fifth wall, also known as the ceiling is often left ignored. But this empty canvas can be converted into an inspiring piece of art. Hire an artist to paint your ceiling. Brainstorm chalkboard wall paint ideas and choose a character you love. For instance, if it is your kids’ room and your kids love Harry Potter, you could chalkboard paint their favourite Harry Potter Character. I’d personally go with Dobby the House Elf on my ceiling.

  2. 2. Paint customized quotations

    Quotes are inspiring, especially if they come from personalities you respect tremendously. This is why we love putting up quotation posters in our rooms. Well, you can swap your poster for a cool blackboard paint ideas featuring your favourite quote. Display the quote artfully on your bedroom wall or the living room behind your sofa. You can even frame the chalkboard in rustic wood and glass to lend an aesthetic appeal.

  3. 3. Create a cool art space in your kitchen

    Parents love to display their kids’ art work in different corners of their kitchen – the refrigerator for example. Well, how about letting your kids draw instead, fuelling the Picasso in them every day. Install a chalkboard in your kitchen and let them draw the groceries you need to buy. Also, you could make your refrigerator a chalkboard canvas too. Clean it thoroughly and then lightly sand it before opening the chalkboard paint bottle.

  4. 4. Create a temporary memo board

    Another interesting chalkboard wall designs to consider includes creating a temporary memo board. This is the gift that keeps on giving. You can update the memo every week. Create your weekly to-do list. Ask your kids to add reminders about their school requirements and assignments and give them chores to complete at home. The memo board is a piece of art that helps ensure you never miss your kids’ cricket or football games, open days and other important school events.

  5. 5. Doodles for dinnertime

    We all know kids who love to doodle around the house. Beautifully painted walls become their canvases. What’s more, you’ll be breaking their hearts if you erase their artwork. It is not even easy to erase these doodles in every room. So why not invest in a doodle board for them? This could be installed in your dining space on surfaces such as walls and tables. Your kids will find meal times fun while their inner artists can flourish too.

  6. 6. Chalkboard message centres for your family

    Let’s say you want to plan a weekend outing with your family or take requests for the annual family vacation. You need to decide what to shop collectively or spend your holidays at home. All this you can do by creating a chalkboard message centre. The message centre is a cool chalkboard wall paint idea includes installing a board, designated for all your fun family activities. You can even create a column counting down the number of days until the vacation or event date.

  7. 7. Create office calendars

    Dedicate a special spot in your home or in the designated office space to create a monthly calendar in chalk. Use different coloured chalk pens to draw the calendar and colour code events to people. For instance, you can assign the colour blue for your superior and track the assignments due. Circle the dates and mark your appointments and meetings on the chalkboard office calendar.

Final word: Whether you want to implement chalkboard paint ideas, repair your ceilings or fix leaking wires, you can take out a home renovation loan or a home improvement loan. Such a home loan can come to your assistance and help you pay for the costs associated with painting, renovation and remodelling the home as well. A simple internet search will help you find lenders like banks and housing finance companies who can assist you with home improvement loans.

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